Hello reader, how are you today? Did you get the chance to wakeup and ask yourself that this morning? Or did you fall into your daily routine of TikTok and other unhealthy habits? I'm definitely not judging you but just wanted to check :) Welp, guess we should get into why you're here. My name is Fatima Komoro and I am the founder of Rebirth of Research, sounds so cool to say but with that title it is quite stressful and demanding, but a cool stressful and demanding. Not sure if that made sense but let us continue. I have started this website for you, this is a space for you to publish research about anything that you would like... involving science of course. I understand that it feels like everything that you have been doing up to this point feels like it's all for the sake of getting into your desired graduate school including signing up for this program, I don't blame you. My goal is to make this program your science safe haven to the best of my ability. I have seen your desired research topics and am absolutely amazed by your drive and tunnel vision focus to obtain your goals. Again, this blog section is your chance to have your research published so be very mindful of how you construct it, I will be going through each post and with your permission, connect you with a doctor or medical school student for further advice on your research. Continue to be amazing and can't wait to see what you all have in store!
-Fatima Komoro
Founder of Rebirth of Research